Interior design for a kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters. m

A kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters is not a spacious enough room, however, with proper planning and successful design solutions, you can realize all the bold ideas to make the kitchen space of a living room of 10 square meters as convenient and functional as possible.

Kitchen with sink in the corner

A kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters is good because everything is always at hand

Possibility of interior and layout of a kitchen with a balcony

If the kitchen has access to the balcony - this is undoubtedly a huge advantage for the arrangement of the kitchen. On the balcony you can store things, use as a refrigerator, and you can equip and use as an additional room.

Bar counter on the glazed balcony of the panel house

A cozy place for breakfast on a furnished balcony

The interior of the kitchen is 10 square meters after combining with a balcony

After joining the balcony, a bar counter with a convenient storage system can be put in place of the windowsill

The options for arranging the interior of a kitchen with a balcony depend on many nuances. Firstly, the size of the room, as well as how they plan to use it, play a big role.

Open balcony door in a 10 square meter kitchen

With a single-row layout, the dining area is located opposite the kitchen set

A few tips for functional and aesthetic design:

  1. It is important to consider that cold air is felt stronger from the balcony door than from the window. So that this fact does not cause inconvenience, functional areas (dining and working) should be placed in a secluded place.
  2. A good effect will turn out if you choose similar materials for the decoration of the kitchen and the wall of the balcony. So the spaces will look larger, unity will be added.
  3. The right choice of curtains is important. The most suitable option is roller blinds made of washable fabric.
Breakfast area by the balcony door of the kitchen

Compact table for two with street view

Two-row layout of a rectangular kitchen

Such a layout would be a good solution for a narrow rectangular kitchen, especially if the window is located on the end wall, and the dining area is located in the living room. In this case, the furniture can be positioned as ergonomically as possible, making the kitchen “triangle” equilateral.

Double row kitchen layout with window

Parallel planning is suitable if the room has a width sufficient to accommodate furniture in two rows and organize easy access

The layout of the square room

In such a room you can harmoniously place the most necessary furniture, no matter how diverse it is. The most important thing when designing such a layout is to adhere to the basic principles of arranging furniture and appliances.

Wood worktop kitchen unit

The closer the main zones are, the more convenient and faster the cooking process goes

It is necessary to observe the rule of the “triangle”, according to which the main component of the working area (stove, refrigerator, sink) will be compact enough. The convenience of this method is that there is no need to move from one end of the room to the other during cooking, and all the essentials are at hand.

Scheme of the working triangle of the kitchen

Working triangle rule

You can see the arrangement options in our selection of kitchen 10 m2 layout and design of the photo.

Ways of zoning a room with a sofa and TV

A kitchen with a size of 10 square meters can be planned so that it will organically accommodate both the work area and the relaxation area, which will house a sofa and a TV. In order to fit all the necessary furniture into the room, it is important to consider all the nuances at the stage of repair planning. In order to correctly implement such an idea, listen to the advice of specialists:

  • It is necessary to take measurements of your premises, taking into account the curvature of the walls, ceiling and floor, take into account the number of cm required to align horizontal and vertical surfaces. The width of window openings, doors and ventilation should be taken into account.
  • It is important to consider the choice of materials for decoration and methods of zoning space. Some of them “take” part of the room’s area, which is also important to consider.
  • An ideal option for choosing furniture is custom-made. This will allow you to arrange everything you need as compactly as possible and not clutter up the space with things for which there was no place in the standard version of the headset.
  • A well-thought-out color scheme is important, as it can both visually increase and decrease the area of ​​a room.
  • A competent lighting system can also dramatically change the visual perception of space.
Kitchen dining area with sofa

In the square-shaped room, a small sofa can be placed against the wall opposite the kitchen set

Purple upholstery in the kitchen sofa

In the elongated kitchen, a place for upholstered furniture can be allocated near the window

If you use these simple secrets, you can implement a design in which the room will not look like a small full box. You can verify this by looking at the photo of the design of the kitchen 10 sq m with a sofa.

Suitable styles for the kitchen 10 sq. meters

10 sq m is not a large area, but it is permissible to choose from it not only from minimalist styles. It is quite possible to afford a diverse interior with various decorative elements.

Light curtain on the kitchen window with a two-row layout

Almost any interior style is suitable for decorating a kitchen with an area of ​​10 squares

In order to determine the design of the kitchen 10 m2First you need to choose a color scheme. The basic rules are unchanged, the main thing to consider is where the windows go and how much the selected shades are combined.

In modern style

This is one of the most practical and convenient styles, in it each element of furniture and equipment has its own place and performs a certain function. Decor items here are kitchen utensils and household items.

Inclined hood in the interior of a modern kitchen

The modern style is characterized by smooth facades of the kitchen set

Gray set without handles on the facades

Extra decor is not welcome in the interior; more attention is paid to the technical content of the kitchen

This style is quite economical, as it will organically look furniture made of artificial materials. In addition, the owners of the kitchen in this style are absolutely unlimited in the choice of colors.

A selection of photos on the theme of the interior of the kitchen 10 sq m in a modern style.

Classic style

The great advantage of this design is that the classics never go out of style and always remain relevant. Such a space can be varied with various decorative elements, but they should not be overloaded with a small space.

Lime set with black countertop

The classic design of a small kitchen should be restrained

Scandinavian style

Its main feature is that exclusively natural materials are suitable for use. The color scheme should be appropriate. This affects the price, it will be above average.

Narrow Scandinavian style cuisine

Scandinavian interior with simple lines and airspace

Open range hood on a gray kitchen wall

A cozy atmosphere in such a kitchen is created due to a small amount of decor and accents

Color palette

The atmosphere in the kitchen and the mood for the whole family are created by the color scheme. Different shades have a different effect on the psychological state of households and even on appetite, and therefore it is necessary to approach the choice of color schemes with great responsibility.

Bright kitchen with corner set

A compact kitchen will seem visually larger if light colors are used for wall and ceiling decoration

Bright accents in the interior of a compact kitchen

If you want bright colors, you can add them as accents

  1. Shades of orange, bright green and red will positively affect your appetite. For those who want to lose weight, designers are advised to dilute these tones with other, less exciting taste buds, colors.
  2. The opposite result is blue, black, cyan, dark green and gray. Appetite in such a kitchen is unlikely to appear.

A selection of spaces with different color schemes on the theme of kitchen design projects photos 10 square meters.

Variations of the placement of furniture and electronics in the interior of the kitchen

Since kitchen furniture can safely be classified as oversized, it occupies a significant part of the space. That is why it is extremely important to correctly plan the location of furniture and household appliances. To do this, consider:

  • number of people living in the apartment;
  • accordingly, the number of seats at the dining table;
  • individual taste preferences;
  • manner of cooking.
Work triangle in a corner kitchen with an area of ​​10 squares

The main rule of arranging the working area of ​​the kitchen - everything should be at hand

The main options for arranging furniture and electronics include the following:

  • angular equilateral;
  • angular not equilateral;
  • U-shaped;
  • direct;
  • using a bar or island structure.
Layout schemes for a rectangular kitchen

Options for arranging furniture in the kitchen

Additional Information. In the interior of a kitchen measuring 10 square meters, islands are the most common and relevant, because their dimensions allow you to arrange the structure, without weighing the appearance of the room. But even in spite of this, designers nevertheless recommend making this design foldable so that it is possible to remove it at any time.

Kitchen island with integrated hob

A functional kitchen island can be combined with a breakfast bar and can be used instead of a dining table

How to choose a kitchen set for the kitchen 10 square meters. m

When choosing a kitchen set, it is necessary to take into account many aspects, because kitchen furniture is the case when objects are planned to be used for several years. And, of course, it is important that the selected model retains its appearance, is of high quality and comfortable.

Open doors of kitchen furniture

The kitchen set for a small kitchen should be roomy

In order to make the right choice, read the recommendations of specialists.

  1. Decide on the shape of the arrangement of furniture. Focusing on the layout of the room, you need to choose one of the headset shape options: L-shaped, U-shaped, straight.
  2. It is important to study the materials from which the kitchen set is made. The choice may depend on the style of the interior, the required color scheme and price category.
  3. The selected materials must meet a number of requirements: to be moisture-resistant, heat-resistant, to be resistant to sunlight, and also resistant to cleaning elements, because the kitchen, as you know, requires more frequent wet cleaning than other rooms in the apartment.
  4. In the selected model, niches should be thought out in advance for the location of large household appliances.
White kitchen cabinets

To use the space as efficiently as possible, it is better to make furniture to order

Extendable section of the kitchen cabinet

Custom-made furniture will allow you to rationally use literally every centimeter of free space.


At first glance, it might seem that a kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters is not a very large space. But in fact, if you correctly plan a design project, choose the best options for colors, furniture and electronics, think over zoning options and decoration elements, then any kitchen can be equipped with a beautiful, convenient and functional. Using the tips and recommendations outlined in the article, everyone will be able to realize the interior of their dreams in the kitchen of ten square meters.

Video review of the kitchen 10 square meters. meters with a berth

Photo ideas for decorating a kitchen with an area of ​​10 squares

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